Follow the installation directions found here:
Make sure that you are in the correct environment. To check your current environment, type the following. The environment you are in will have a star next to it.
conda info --envs
If you are not in the ee-python environment, you can switch into it using
source activate ee-python
In [3]:
# Import the Earth Engine Python Package into Python environment.
import ee
import ee.mapclient
# Initialize the Earth Engine object, using the authentication credentials.
In [4]:
image = ee.Image('srtm90_v4')
from IPython.display import Image
Image(url=image.getThumbUrl({'min':0, 'max': 3000}))
In [5]:
# Print the information for an image asset. the 'srtm90_v4 file is a digital elevation model.
# that is housed in Google's cloud and has an elevation value for every pixel across the whole earth
# at a resolution of 30 meters. That is the map you see below in the static notebook.
#celebrate the metadata!!
In [6]:
Irene= ee.Image("users/kuhniculous/floodwithnoletters")
from IPython.display import display,Image
Lparams = {
In [7]:
Irene= ee.Image("users/kuhniculous/popImage")
from IPython.display import display,Image
Lparams = {
This code will run but then nothing happens. I have no idea why!
In [10]:
"""Select rows from a fusion table."""
import ee
import ee.mapclient
ee.mapclient.centerMap(-93, 40, 4)
# Select the 'Sonoran desert' feature from the TNC Ecoregions fusion table.
fc = (ee.FeatureCollection('ft:1Ec8IWsP8asxN-ywSqgXWMuBaxI6pPaeh6hC64lA')
.filter(ee.Filter().eq('ECO_NAME', 'Sonoran desert')))
# Paint it into a blank image.
image1 = ee.Image(0).mask(0)
ee.mapclient.addToMap(image1.paint(fc, 0, 5))
In [11]:
%matplotlib inline
from __future__ import print_function # For py 2.7 compat
import datetime
from IPython.html import widgets
from IPython.display import display
from IPython.utils import traitlets
from IPython.core.display import Javascript
In [12]:
%run 'define_google_maps_interactive_widget.ipynb'
In [13]:
Irene= ee.Image("users/kuhniculous/popImage")
In [14]:
map = GoogleMapsWidget(lat=59.5, lng=10.9, zoom=13) # lat, lng and zoom are optional
map.addLayer(Irene, {'color': 'FFFFCC'}, name='Irene Map')